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Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Training & Certification Program - Table Of Contents

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Training & Certification Program

Overview Of The PWFA:

  • Why The PWFA
  • Facts, Statistics, And The Effective Date Of The PWFA
  • Background Of The PWFA
  • What Does The PWFA Do?
  • Overview Of PFWA’s Requirements
  • Overview Of PFWA’s Prohibitions
  • PFWA Enforcement And Guidance Resources

Covered Employers:

  • Employers Subject To The PWFA
  • Definition Of Employer
  • Exceptions
  • Manager Training

Covered Individuals:

  • Covered Individuals - General
  • Covered Individuals - Overseas Employers
  • Covered Individuals - Transgender And Nonbinary Workers
  • Qualified Employees
  • Essential Functions
  • Determining Qualification
  • Qualified Employee: Examples
  • Determining "Qualified" For The Reasonable Accommodation Of Leave
  • Qualified Employee - Temporary Suspension Of Essential Functions
  • "Temporary" Suspension
  • In the Near Future: Other Conditions
  • In the Near Future: Other Conditions
  • Temporary Suspension And Leave
  • Temporary Suspension And Reasonable Accommodations

Basic Requirements:

  • PWFA Basic Requirements
  • PWFA Reasonable Accommodations
  • PWFA Interactive Process
  • PWFA Interactive Process - Steps
  • Interim Accommodations
  • PWFA Documentation Requests
  • PWFA Documentation - Limits
  • PWFA Documentation Requests – Who Can Provide
  • PWFA Documentation Requests


  • Unlawful Practices
  • Medical Certification Requests
  • No Forced Accommodations
  • Failure To Reasonably Accommodate
  • Unnecessary Delay Factors
  • Denial Of Opportunities
  • Mandatory Leave
  • Retaliation
  • Tracking And Reporting Requirements Under The PWFA
  • Other Adverse Actions Prohibited

Known Limitations:

  • Limitations
  • Known Limitation
  • Employee Representative
  • Communicated To The Employer
  • PWFA Limitation vs ADA Disability
  • Pregnancy, Childbirth, Or Related Medical Conditions
  • Spousal Rights
  • Related To, Affected By, Or Arising Out Of
  • Supporting Documentation

Reasonable Accommodations:

  • Reasonable Accommodation Under the PWFA
  • Reasonable Accommodation Categories
  • Examples Of Reasonable Accommodations
  • Reasonable Accommodations And Labor Unions
  • Reasonable Accommodations - Predictable Assessments
  • Temporary Suspension Of Essential Function
  • Reasonable Accommodation Choices
  • Reasonable Accommodation Choices – Employer Limitations
  • Refusing A Reasonable Accommodation
  • What If The Employee Does Not Like The Reasonable Accommodation?
  • Failure To Reasonably Accommodate

The Interactive Process:

  • Requesting Reasonable Accommodations
  • Determining Reasonable Accommodations Needs
  • The Interactive Process - Initial Requests
  • The Interactive Process - After Notification
  • Interruption Of The Interactive Process

Undue Hardship:

  • Undue Hardship
  • Undue Hardship - Review Options
  • Undue Hardship - Temporary Suspension 0f Essential Function
  • Undue Hardship - Consideration Of Prior Or Future Accommodations
  • Undue Hardship And Safety
  • Undue Hardship - Predictable Assessments

Integrating PWFA With FMLA, ADA, COBRA, And More:

  • Interaction Of PWFA With Other Laws - Generally
  • When PWFA And FMLA Occur Together
  • Reasonable Accommodation And FMLA Leave
  • PWFA And FMLA Documentation
  • At The End Of 12 Weeks Of FMLA
  • The PWFA And The Pregnancy Discrimination Act
  • PWFA And The PUMP Act
  • The PWFA And The ADA
  • PWFA And The ADA - Documentation
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Relationship To State Laws

PWFA Enforcement:

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • EEOC Complaint Process
  • EEOC PWFA Investigation Process
  • Preparing For An EEOC PWFA Investigation
  • EEOC Determination
  • Settling PWFA Disputes
  • Mediation
  • Settlement
  • Conciliation
  • EEOC Penalties
  • EEOC - Retaliation
  • Required Postings


  • Overview Of The PWFA Documentation Rules
  • PWFA Documentation - Confidentiality
  • Documentation - Reasonable
  • Documentation - Not Reasonable
  • Documentation - Not Reasonable - Obvious
  • Documentation - Not Reasonable - Known
  • Documentation - Not Reasonable - Predictable Assessments
  • Documentation - Not Reasonable - Lactation
  • Documentation - Not Reasonable - Employer’s Own Policies Or Practices
  • Self-Confirmation Of Pregnancy Or Lactation
  • Recordkeeping Requirements

Employer Questions And Action Items:

  • Coverage Issues
  • Reasonable Accommodation Requests
  • Types Of PWFA Reasonable Accommodations
  • Undue Hardship
  • PWFA Documentation
  • No Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation Or Coercion
  • PWFA And Other Laws
  • PWFA Enforcement And Compliance
  • PWFA Policy
  • Sample PWFA Policy
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