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Payroll training | Payroll online training

Paycheck Fundamentals Training & Certification Program

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The Paycheck Fundamentals Training & Certification Program helps payroll professionals learn the required payroll laws and regulations.

Our Paycheck Fundamentals Training & Certification Program proivides payroll compliance training in a comprehensive, yet easy to understand, manner. The Program includes plain-English descriptions of the various requirements, processes, and procedures, as well as numerous examples, administrative tips, and interactive Q&A to help provide valuable insight into compliance requirements.

The Program includes an optional test for those who wish to earn a "Certified Paycheck Fundamentals Administrator" designation. It also qualifies for eight hours of SHRM and HRCI re-certification credits!

Besides the basic payroll laws and regulations, you also will learn the following with our payroll compliance training course:

So whether you handle payroll administration only for your organization or for several organizations as a TPA or outsourcer, our "Payroll Training & Certification Program" is an essential tool.

Organizations enrolling three or more individuals also receive our Management Interface at no cost. This interface lets managers view employee progress, test scores, and any incorrectly answered test questions - great for remedial training!

Note: TPAs can earn a Certified TPA" seal for use on your website, marketing materials, and proposals to help add to your firm's value proposition. Please call us at 678-366-3959 for questions on the interface, the seal, or the discounts for multiple person pricing.

Certifications / CE Credits / Awards
Certified Payroll Administrator
Become A "Certified Payroll Administrator"
HRCI Re-Certification CreditsSHRM Re-Certification Credits
Earn 8 Hours Of SHRM Or HRCI Re-Certification Credits
Recipient Of The ASTD Excellence In Design Award
Recipient Of The ASTD "Excellence In Design" Award
Who Should Use The Paycheck Fundamentals Training & Certification Program?

Our Paycheck Fundamentals Training & Certification Program is ideal for human resource professionals and HR department heads who handle the day-to-day payroll issues and administration.

It is also good for HR Managers or CFOs who seek satisfaction knowing that their administrators are properly trained and up to date on payroll issues. Last, individuals looking to add value to their job experience can earn the valued "Certified Payroll Administrator" designation.

Paycheck Fundamentals Course Price

Your Paycheck Fundamentals training can be purchased as a Training & Certification Program ($799) or Manual ($799) only, or combined ($999). We also offer discounts for purchasing training for multiple employees or administrators.

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About The Paycheck Fundamentals Procedures Manual

Get instant answers for your Paycheck Fundamentals questions - as well as all your Paycheck Fundamentals-required forms and notices - with our searchable Paycheck Fundamentals Procedures Manual.

Available as an online resource so that you always have the most up-to-date version, this package includes all Paycheck Fundamentals-required forms, notices, and recommended procedures, and is easily accessible from either the Table of Contents or the links throughout the Manual.

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Note: Because laws, regulations, and best practices frequently change or get updated, your Training & Certification program is sold as an annual subscription that helps you stay current. You receive: the training program itself; access to the course content as a resource material; free updates whenever the laws change, and an optional exam for earning a Certified Administrator designation. Access to resource materials, free updates, and a new Certificate are available for subsequent years for a low renewal fee of only $99 per year!

Payroll professionals can benefit from the Paycheck Fundamentals Training & Certification Program by learning about payroll laws & regulations. Contact now.